Issue: The harsh conditions under which HVAC units are placed in the U.S. Gulf Coast result in early deterioration, capacity loss and increased power consumption.
Solution: Protexan Industrial Coatings LLC is locally owned and operated, and provides numerous air conditioning equipment coating options with unique, life extending and energy saving traits. Protexan can provide anything from the smallest residential, to the largest commercial or industrial air conditioner, chiller and cooling tower unit coatings in a cost-effective manner.
Most HVAC coils are subject to corrosion without the introduction of atmospheric pollutants because of their construction, which usually combines dissimilar metals. With manufacturers using better technology on the production, corrosion will still occur on untreated coils and metal.
Over twenty-four months of ocean salt spray exposure: Uncoated coils showed a constant decline in operating capacity, while protected coils maintained close to their original operating efficiency. Operating cost for the unprotected coils rose 220%. The protected coils with virtually no capacity loss demonstrated 46% to 63% greater operating efficiencies (average 55%) than the uncoated coils. The unprotected coils showed a measurable loss in efficiency in the first 28 days. Twelve AC coils were monitored: 6 coated 6 uncoated. These results average the findings. Source of test: US Navy N-1560: and the Whirlpool Laboratory.
HVAC units placed on the Gulf Coast region require additional protection. In order to meet these needs, Protexan makes available numerous air conditioning equipment coating options, each with unique, life extending and energy saving traits. We provide anything from the smallest residential, to the largest commercial or industrial air conditioner, chiller and cooling tower unit coatings.
Protect yourself against the rising cost of air conditioning equipment and energy with a local company you can trust. Call Protexan Industrial Coatings and “Protect It With Protexan”!

"We've got you covered"